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Monday, 3 October 2011

The Puja frenzy continues


Dressed up!

Ma Durga arrives in all her splendour! The city lives its busiest part of the year- a time of fun and frolic, celebration and rejuvenation.
It's funny how the same period in the calendar can be marked in several ways by people from different walks of life.
For those related to the world of finance, Durga Puja is a five day long holiday, if it is after the Closing of September 30th.
People in the hotel industry and all allied services CANNOT take a holiday during this period.It is the season of highest footfall, highest sales and highest profits. Therefore, highest requirement of fully trained workforce.
The media personnel continue to report and write. In fact, with a change in the regular routine of the people, their style of working also changes as there's much more to report on.
The shop owners, mall managers and others involved in such services gear up for the hyper activity that awaits at their doorstep!
The laborers who creatively design the pandals and idols, take pride in their work and step out with their family to enjoy the enigmatic creations.

No matter,which field you belong to, in Kolkata, Durga Puja always has a special, unique significance for everyone.It's a date-mark period in the calendar, right from the start of a new year.Enjoy this much awaited five day frenzy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying staying at home after long! ;)
    I just hope it rains!
