The entire past week was a long, tiring one. Everyday, my eyes would shut around 10:30-11:00, and I felt like a little school kid who had to sleep early to wake up early, to make it to class on time.
With a zillion things occupying my time through the day, I closed my eyes either to a book or to the TV. One day as my eyes were glued to the screen even in their half-shut state, I was appealed by MasterChef Australia's competition on Dude Food.
I loved everything about 'Dude Food': the name, rhyme, sound of the phrase, idea of it and the fact that it was not restricted to any cuisine. It encompassed all my favourites!
The urge to eat it grew over me today(once again!), but failing to do so I chose to Google it. My favourite results are compiled below.
Disclaimer: Do not scroll below if you're on a diet! :)
Terrific Tacos |
Self explanatory! But unavailable in India |
Cheese Sticks |
Pancakes & Root Beer
Love the picture! |
Pasta on Pizza: Who said you can't have the
best of all worlds? |
Olives on Nachos |
Strawberry Crepes |
'Sub' it up! |
Spring Rolls
Run to your kitchen now!
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